Grzegorz GRACZYK
Junior ERP Software Developer at RSM Poland

Everyone using ERP systems knows that uploading large volumes of data, such as customer data, is very time-consuming. At the beginning of the year, our IT Consulting Department reached out to prospective customers and their expectations by offering them a new functionality, i.e. the option to download and quickly edit customer data on the basis of their tax identification number (NIP), using the Central Statistical Office API. Owing to this integration with the CSO system, the user can save time and avoid many errors that could otherwise result from entering the data manually.

The option of data download is available from two levels:

  • customer website,
  • generating sales or purchase invoices.
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Once you click the “Customer Update” button, you will see a form with two columns. The column on the left shows fields that have been currently downloaded from the system, whereas the value on the right shows fields with data downloaded from the system. If the NIP entered by the user is correct and the customer was found in the CSO register, there is an option of downloading the following fields: name, country, province, town, post code, street, flat number, district, commune and post town. A great asset of the NetSuite system is that the user can verify and edit each and every field with data downloaded via the API prior to saving it in the NetSuite system.

Uploading new customers has never been as easy as with the aforementioned solution. Compiling a full set of information about customers from many locations in the system eliminates the risk of error and allows for lot of time to be saved with just a couple of clicks, in particular if we are to compile the data of many customers.

NetSuite API GUS

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