Assisting you and your lawyer in conflict situations

Are you going through a divorce, do you wish to buy out shareholders, are you suffering economic loss or are you unable to resolve a conflict? In addition to business valuations, RSM can also advise and support you in legal disputes and arbitration proceedings, and we act as a valuation expert in court cases.

No lawyer, but legal assistance

Although RSM's consultants are not lawyers, they do act on behalf of many lawyers.

For example, you (or your lawyer) can engage us:

  • as a party expert in valuation disputes, including divorces, shareholder buy-outs, earn-out arrangements, death, etc.
  • for independent expert investigations for courts and tribunals
  • for arbitration in the event of a serious conflict, resulting in a binding ruling
  • for second opinions and fairness opinions
  • for economic loss calculations

Why choose RSM?

Our experienced business valuers are engaged in valuing companies on a daily basis. RSM's international network gives them access to financial expertise and extensive sector knowledge. This is very important when preparing a thorough valuation. For example, in the event of a divorce or economic loss, you can be sure that you are not missing out on funds, and in the event of an earn-out or a shareholder buy-out that you are not unnecessarily paying more than you should.

Would you like more information?

Would you like more information about company valuations in the event of legal disputes? Please contact us.