What did you do before coming to RSM?

When I joined RSM, at the end of September 2019, I had been starting my third year as a mathematics teacher, a complex experience that saw me very much involved in the relationships with the students. I loved the challenge that teaching presented. 

Apart from this brief period in the schooling system, my career progression was in marketing and communications, both within large companies, including multinationals, and in advertising agencies. From these experiences, I have dealt with all aspects of service and product communications, including advertising, promotion and web marketing.

What attracted you to RSM?

I was looking for an opportunity that would allow me to make my experience available to others but at the same time give me the chance to continue learning and growing - and this is exactly what I found in RSM. 

I was particularly inspired to join RSM, as the RSM World Conference in Rome was being hosted in Italy - the last major event in physical attendance before the pandemic. This event saw the participation of hundreds of colleagues from all over the world convene to hear insights on the most current issues, thanks to speakers of the highest level.

How have you found your experience at RSM?

It was my first experience in professional services and it won me over. This was due to the wide variety of activities in which I am involved; for the intellectual stimuli that enriches my profession; and the opportunities to make each and every day different and always interesting.

I am curious and always looking for opportunities to grow, learn and face new challenges. I especially like to make my experience and skills available to younger people. I have found the values of RSM perfectly consistent with my own; understanding and being understood; being valued as people and as professionals; and the importance of curiosity, critical thinking and mutual respect.

Who are you outside of work?

Outside of work I have various passions that inspire me. For example, I like to immerse myself in nature. When possible, I enjoy walking in the mountains, which helps me wind down and gives me a sense of awareness. Furthermore, I am fortunate to live in a beautiful city that offers many artistic and cultural opportunities. Unfortunately, I am not a musician, but I do love music and I am inspired by the commitment of musicians to obtain the best possible result. Even in the professional setting, like an orchestra, teams work together, with excellence being achieved through practice, commitment, experimentation, and continuous quest for improvement.

What has it been like to be part of a global organisation?

My role as Marketing and Communication Leader has seen me involved in an exciting journey. Together with my team, we have developed many activities with the aim of increasing awareness of the RSM brand, supporting our teams, and experimenting with innovative approaches. 

Belonging to a global network has given me the opportunity to compare myself with colleagues from other countries whose competence and professionalism I have appreciated; and with whom I collaborate to develop large-scale projects.

“I have always had great support and encouragement from the top management of RSM, who value innovation, the spirit of initiative, organisational and entrepreneurial skills.”