We are your trusted partner in the origination, development, monitoring, and evaluation of your social development project.

RSM Mozambique proudly presents our solutions for adding value to your development projects and to our shared communities. We are experienced in managing effective data collection and providing specific feedback within the Mozambican context. Our goal is to help you to advance your local strategy for the benefit of our communities.

Learn more about our services including:

Third Party Monitoring

  • Third party monitoring includes neutral observation and data collection exercises that independently verify the progress of your project.

Project Development and Monitoring for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects

  • Using specially designed data collection exercises and local know-how, RSM Mozambique can help your company to fulfill its social responsibility obligations through the design of impactful projects that also carry strong monitoring and evaluation components.

Baseline, Midline, and Endline Studies

  • Baseline, midline, and endline studies are diagnostic tools for evaluating your target population’s conditions at critical stages of your project cycle. The results of these studies include recommendations for how to improve project roll-out.

Impact Evaluations

  • Impact Evaluations are evaluations that are completed years after the conclusion of your project cycle. Their goal is to help you to understand how your project impacted its target population in the medium to long term.

Market and Feasibility Studies

  • Market and Feasibility Studies are tools that can help you to understand the social and cultural factors that influence the Mozambican market (as well as recommendations for how to address those factors).

At RSM Mozambique, we bring together broad sectoral experience along with specialized knowledge of the Mozambican market. Start and finish your development project’s cycle with our service line today.